Gratis My Very First Bible and Prayers de Alex Ayliffe PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis

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Críticas a 'nicely designed boxed set for young children.' --Roundtable Reviews Reseña del editor This boxed-set contains mini-sized versions of two of Lion's most popular children's books - My Very First Bible and My Very First Prayers. Designed from the start as a matching pair, they feature the delightful and utterly child-friendly paper cut illustrations of Alex Ayliffe combined with the beautifully simple prose and verse of Lois Rock. My Very First Bible contains 20 Bible stories - from the Old and New Testaments - and My Very First Prayers contains 120 prayers relating to the world of childhood; presented together these make a thoughtful gift for a much-loved child. Biografía del autor LOIS ROCK has established an international reputation as a children's writer. Specialising in Bible stories, prayer books, and information books, her books have been translated into over 30 languages with sales of 4 million copies. Alex Ayliffe's trademark papercut illustrations are bright and bold, dainty and detailed, with lots of character. She has an established reputation as a storybook illustrator, working with major publishers, winning the Sainsbury's Best Book for Babies award in 2000, and the Children's Book of the Year Award at the Christian Booksellers' Convention in 2004. She has travelled extensively in Europe, Africa, and Australia.

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