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Críticas 'A thin string loops and winds around the people, animals, playgrounds, prayers, and gardens of the world, everything connected in a timeless whole--even scary, ugly things like chicken pox, bullies, lies, and pollution. In this engaging introduction to social consciousness and environmental awareness, color and form are given to the invisible ties that bind the universe together, from the tiniest of cells and atoms to the vastness of the stars and planets.'--Foreword Reviews 'One of Bala Kids's inaugural releases, this waggish picture book takes its title to heart, emphasizing readers' connection to an eclectic roundup of people, objects, and phenomena.'--Publishers Weekly 'A worthy attempt to make an ineffable concept accessible to a young audience.'--Kirkus Reviews'Use this book to spark thoughtful conversations or to prod children to think about just why they matter.'--St. Louis Post-Dispatch 'An exploration of our links with everything from blobfish to galaxies.'--Spirituality & Practice Reseña del editor This is a magical story about the powerful idea that we are connected to absolutely everything in the universe.Everything is connected. And since you are part of everything,  you are connected to everything:   to pharaohs, Ben Franklin, T. Rex, ancient Greece, to love and to poverty, hunger and peace! Biografía del autor JASON GRUHL is the former Executive Director and founder of The Joshua School (a school for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Developmental Disabilities in Boulder and Denver, CO) and a Psychotherapist. Jason holds a Master's degree in Counseling Psychology and a Bachelor's degree in English and Psychology. He dedicates his life to helping others through meditation, writing, and self-discovery. IGNASI FONT is an award-winning artist and illustrator. As Art Director for Bungalow Studio, he creates expressive and poetic ways to communicate ideas through animation, music artwork, editorial illustration, and children's books. Art connects us all--even 'strangers in Spain.' Ignasi and his family live in Barcelona, Spain.

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